Former Cadburys Factory, Keynsham
HAS were commissioned in 2015 to undertake a large-scale project on former Cadbury’s Factory site in Keynsham, Bristol
HAS work at historic Black and White House Museum in Hereford Town Centre
HAS were recently at one of Herefordshire’s most famous buildings- the Black and White House!
The 17th Century half-timbered building is one of the most iconic landmarks in Hereford town centre. It dates to 1621 when it was originally built as part of a row of houses named ‘Butchers Row’. When these were eventually demolished almost two hundred years later, the Black and White House remained. It has had a variety of uses throughout its life, including as a butcher’s shop and a high street bank before it was eventually opened as a Museum in 1929. It remains one of the best- preserved examples of Jacobean structure in the country. The building recently underwent a major refurbishment by Herefordshire Council to create a gift shop within the building and an enhanced visitor experience.
HAS were onsite to ensure the safe removal of an area of asbestos insulation board (AIB) which was being used to box in an electrical fuse box. An air tight enclosure was built in the cellar underneath the building which was smoke tested prior to use to ensure integrity. This allowed HAS to remove the AIB safely and clean the area thoroughly prior to passing independent air testing by a qualified analyst. A decontamination unit was placed outside the building. The building was closed to the public whilst the work took place.
Asbestos is very commonly found in fuse-boxes and boxing in electrical components due to its fire resistant and thermal properties. Often these areas have been painted over, making the material more difficult to identify. Any building built prior to 1999 when the use of asbestos was banned in the UK, may contain asbestos.
HAS were commissioned in 2015 to undertake a large-scale project on former Cadbury’s Factory site in Keynsham, Bristol
Hereford Asbestos Services (HAS) are the principal asbestos removal contractors at the ongoing demolition and development of the current Hutted Wards based at Hereford County Hospital.
HAS have taken on several projects for the Historic Royal Palaces charity including various projects at Hampton Court Palace, South East London.
HAS recently undertook a project based in Wembley. The works which were undertaken over two weeks involved the removal of both licensed and non-licensed asbestos containing materials which were in various locations throughout the building. These materials including Asbestos Insulation Board (AIB) amongst others. The works were being undertaken to the Wembley building are due […]
HAS work in West Lothian, Scotland removing asbestos cement on a viaduct as part of project for Network Rail. HAS worked on a weekend to complete the work.
HAS undertook work at the Church which is part of a lottery funded heritage project to regenerate St Marys de Crypt Church and the Old Crypt Schoolroom.
Units 2-3 Pearson Business Park, Coldnose Road, Hereford HR2 6JL
01432 270113